Easy Way to Advertise in Facebook Youtubecom 2018

can i promote my youtube channel on facebook

If you were looking what are some of the most effective and powerful ways you can promote your YouTube channel using Facebook then you´ve come to the right place!

I´ve had the same doubt and therefore done some research to come up with some great strategies you can use to get more viewers through this platform.

So, how you can promote a YouTube Channel on Facebook?

  • Using Facebook Live to attract more viewers and interact with them efficiently.
  • Show behind the scenes content to grab people´s attention.
  • Post at the best possible hours and days to reach a larger audience.
  • Get closer to your fans through proper interaction.
  • Design a good fan page that sets the tone for your channel´s viewership.
  • Deploy a Facebook Group strategy.
  • Do not discard paid promotion, it´s cheap and highly efficient.

Now, let´s get into the core of how to use these tips to grow your YouTube audience and get your Channel to the next level!

¡Use Facebook Live!

If we´re talking about creating more engagement with your audience in an effective manner the live streaming is the way to go.

Most users will enjoy the live-action and unedited approach to this type of videos, which will ultimately improve the relationship you have with your viewers.

It´s all about authenticity, living in the moment, and it relieves the stress from editing later or setting everything correctly before recording.

In fact, the more real you appear the more empathy from your viewership you´ll get.

The company said that Live videos can drive 10 times more comments because of the real-time connection between viewers.

That being said, some sort of preparation before you go live won´t hurt. Have an outline for your video, maybe some topics you want to cover or talk about.

Here are some tips you can easily apply on you Live Sessions.

  • Go with a Q&A format and engage with your audience in the comment section.
  • Simply ask questions to your viewers and encourage them to participate. What do they want to watch on your next videos? What did they like from previous ones?
  • Share upcoming content and make announcements. The more exclusive the content the better.

If you are going to release a new video then Facebook Live is a great way to promote it and share with your audience a tease or some thoughts about it. The purpose is to increase curiosity around it.

Another benefit to Facebook Live is that it can be a great source of traffic for your Fan Page.

Live videos drive much more engagement and if you promote your content well, it could keep users coming back to your page and increase your audience permanently.

Last but not least, Facebook lets you track your metrics during your video by noting Likes, reactions, shares, mentions, and comments. Basically, seeing real-time engagement.

In addition to your Facebook Insights stats (which we´re going to talk about later), Live analytics have been refined to further improve the way you use this tool.

Built-in Notification Fan Page

The platform built-in notification system lets potential viewers know when a Page they like is 'going live'.

Facebook has incorporated features that enable a Page to promote a live video in advance while also giving users the option to set a reminder so they don't forget to tune in. Great right?

Curious Fact! Facebook shared that one-fifth of the videos posted on the platform go through Facebook Live and that viewers spend 3-times longer watching a video when it's live, compared to pre-recorded or saved video format.

Behind the Scene Content

You NEED to be aware of what type of content you share across many different social media platforms. It´s a part of the job.

Nobody wants to see the same video or information repeated, yes it could be easier and time-saving but you´ll engagement and eye-balls at the same time.

In fact, going the opposite direction is twice more effective if you want to grow a massive following.

Posting videos and/or content where you can share your most exclusive footage like a behind the scenes tour on how you prepare a video, what do you do when you have to film in public, things like that.

In fact, using raw footage that has not been edited could be a great idea!

You should start showing people exactly how you make your videos, giving tips and advice on how to position yourself when facing the camera, how you set up the lights, mindset advice for newbies on YouTube, etc.

Anything that could potentially provide value for the viewers and that you don´t share on your channel is useful and can attract new subscribers very effectively.

Many YouTubers actually do this across different platforms. Check out how Casey Neistat shows more about his personal life on Instagram.

On the other hand, creating relevant content that´s also related to what you talk about in your channel but going in depth with it will work really well too.

What you want to do is basically differentiate both platforms so you can attract more viewers from Facebook but ultimately pitching them in every way you can to go and subscribe if they want to get more of your content.

4 Great "Behind the Scene" Content Ideas

  1. You can present part of your crew or team. If you work with someone else or even four or five different people you can present them on camera and show a quick peek on how the office usually works, even if it´s just filming your friend that´s holding the camera and ask him a few questions people might want to know.
  2. A time-lapse video content creation.Just record yourself filming, writing the script, maybe thinking about what to say next, basically grinding. Then, fasten the whole process when you edit and make a video about it so can share your process in a dynamic way with your community.
  3. A funny video. You could easily make funny videos or a compilation of them that show how a common day in the office/street/park goes when filming.
  4. Share a personal message. Maybe something that you´re going through, what are the hardships of vlogging and being a YouTuber, etc. Something that people could relate to and take get advice or some insight from.

Posting at the Best Time is Key

As you´ve probably heard of you have the great option of using Facebook Insights to grow a business or a brand.

Facebook Insights, or as I like to call it the Ray Laser Cutter, tends to be an incredibly effective tool you have at your disposal to reach your people without losing a single person.

First of all, you´ll get a complete overview information of what´s going on with your account.

How many actions, visits, visualizations, likes, your actual reach, interactions, videos, and followers, as access to the information of your most recent posts.

Now, if you want to optimize the reach of your content then you need to pay close attention at certain key metrics that you´ll find within this tool.

Here you´ll learn when to post, and what to post on your Facebook page to create greater engagement.

The Post Tab within the platform is your new best friend.

You´ll get to see how many people are on Facebook at a given time, by the day of the week and the exact hour of the day. It also shows the average of posts seen by those same people.

What you should do is schedule your posts when the intersection between the highest number of fans is online and the least overall posting is occurring.

That way your publications will hold the best chance to actually reach the highest number of people possible.

Image from https://blogs.constantcontact.com

Caution! Aiming to schedule your Facebook Page's content when the great majority of your viewers are online is key to increase your reach, but the peak fan rate may not necessarily be the best time. Why?

Simply because if that´s the time when most posts are being released you´ll end up competing for attention and you´ll get a lesser amount of eyeballs than if you´d find the right "gap", as I´ve talked about earlier.

On the other hand, you´ll want to know WHAT type of content is performing better, right?

Once again, go to the Post Tab and make sure to check our your "All Posts Published" analytics.

This section makes available the data related to the reach and engagement of each individual post in chronological order.

Both rates, especially the engagement rate, which is the percentage of people that shared, clicked, or commented on your post, will help you to better understand and determine the success of your individual posts.

It´s critical that you are aware of your metrics because they affect whether you appear or not in the News Feeds often enough.

If you keep publishing too many low-quality posts (meaning that doesn´t create engagement with the targeted audience) you´ll end up at the bottom.

Automate Your Posting for Free

You´ll find there are plenty of great tools out there that can easily automate your publications so you don´t need to worry each day to create a new post to keep up with your audience.

In fact, Buffer lets you add 10 posts at a time on its queue so you can create several days of publications in advance. And you can do it for FREE!

They make a great job at this and you can even add two more social accounts and create 10 posts in each one of them. You can also use their browser extension to do this.

You will be able to use their image creator feature ("Pablo") and their video and GIF uploading option.

Close 101 Interaction

It´s important not just to keep up with your audience regarding your posts and how regularly you do it by analyzing your data and when your audience usually browses online but also interact with them.

You need to respond to their comments, a simple "thanks" or a thumbs up makes all the difference in the world.

In fact, this is the type of engagement that YouTube also analyzes when it comes to ranking your videos.

The number of comments, likes, and shares that your videos have in the platform drastically affects how well your content ranks in the search results or if it appears or not in the featured videos section.

YouTube states exactly that right here. (Extracted from Creators Academy Lessons)

how to get a 100 subscribers on youtube

And how do you think they analyze how engaged an audience is?

If you build up that engagement and interaction already on Facebook and then try to do the same on YouTube it will be much easier for you to rank and get more viewers, and therefore subscribers.

As I´ve said, both platforms put a lot of emphasis on shares, likes, and comments.

Those three major factors can make or break the popularity of your videos and future posts, so keep that in mind when you´re building a marketing strategy to get more exposure.

One way to get more likes and comments is by getting involved with your fans and, of course, creating great and awesome quality content.

The Right Fan Page

One thing most people usually tend to underestimate is the power of a good and consistent design.

Try to make your Fan Page relevant and a good fit that combines, but at the same can be differentiated, with your YouTube channel.

You should focus on two things when you create your Fan Page.

First of all, a Branding congruency between your YouTube channel and your Facebook Fan Page.

Use the same colors, logo, and set up a presentation video where you introduce your fans to what they´re going to get from your page.

You can check out some great examples like Skittles fan page which usually launches great contests to increase customer awareness, or maybe the Zappos or L.L Bean page to look for some inspiration when it comes to branding and design.

Nutella does a great job at keeping their fans engaged too!

Now, if you want to look how some of the most successful YouTubers in the world create and keep up with their Fan Pages then you should give a quick look at Jenna Marble´s Page, or maybe Jacksepticeye, and how they drive traffic from their pages to their channels.

Secondly, make a plan, schedule a few post or videos that have been created to directly aim for your Facebook audience in order to warm them up to pitch them about your YouTube channel.

In addition, Facebook Pages can activate a Call-to-Action button that encourages visitors to take one of a number of different actions, you could ask them to sign up to enter an email list, where you can later notify them whenever you release a video.

You can even track how many people clicked on the button, their demographics, or if they´ve come from a smartphone or a desktop computer by using Facebook Insights. Cool right?

There are plenty of benefits you´ll find in having a nice Fan Page.

  • An unlimited friend count.
  • You can keep it private if you want.
  • You´ll be able to appear on search engine results as it gets indexed.
  • As I´ve stated before you get Facebook Insights to measure your data.
  • Advertising is more effective because Facebook wants to keep the traffic within the network.
  • It is 100% FREE!

Facebook Groups Strategy

You know how to use Facebook Live to leverage your content and attract more viewers, and you´ve built up a great Fan Page.

Also, you know about Facebook Insight, and you´ve learned how important is generating greater engagement with your audience to rank better.

Now it´s time to deploy an effective Facebook Group Strategy that helps you further promote your brand/channel.

This can be used right from the start, and I strongly recommend you to do exactly that to get your very first potential viewers, but I wanted to talk about this later in this article because I think it´s the easier approach.

Start by searching a few niche related groups on the platform where people might be interested in what you have to share.

Your content should be always helpful to the viewer in some way, or at least entertaining enough that they would want to come back and watch it again or share it with their friends.

Keep in mind that in order for this approach to be effective you need to be patient and build your reputation within the group you´ve recently joined.

if you start promoting yourself right from the start without giving anything back nobody will pay attention, and you´ll get banned.

Participate in conversations on the comment section, publish a query or doubt you might have, be humble about it and thankful for any sort of assistance you receive.

Some people will start to notice you, but it will take time and consistency.

Try to be helpful and give useful advice when you engage with comments and always be nice and friendly.

Benefits of Joining a Facebook Group

  • You´ll get a more personal experience and therefore engagement.
  • Your CTAs (Call to Action) will get more focused attention.
  • Immediate feedback and network with others.
  • A well-targeted audience that´s already interested in the same topics.
  • You can build trust easily by providing great value.

PRO TIP! I wouldn´t recommend joining a YouTube Channel promotion type of group because every person in there is after the same goal, there are no real viewers and/or subscribers and you won´t be able to keep up and grow organically that way.

Don´t Discard Paid Promotion

Last but not least, you should consider eventually paying for some ads.

Facebook does a really great job when it comes to targeting people and getting their attention by providing you with awesome features you can take advantage of.

There are a few things you simply can´t afford to ignore from this strategy if you want to boost the performance of your content to the next level pretty quickly.

People spend approximately 35 minutes per day on Facebook each day, according to Nielsen reports. Most of them on their mobile devices.

They tend to access an average of 8 times a day, which is huge!

Almost 94% of Internet Marketers around the globe use Facebook for advertising regularly.

Image from https://sproutsocial.com

In fact, the video format is one of the biggest boosters when it comes to Facebook Ads performance and effectiveness.

Promoting your Facebook Page is even more effective and powerful just for the fact that the company wants to keep their audience retention levels as much as possible.

You can easily set up a campaign utilizing the Insights features and target your audience with real precision by using data extracted from the platform itself.

You´ll find that for a really inexpensive amount you can get the exposure you want in a matter of hours and increase your fan base incredibly fast.

It´s totally worth it if you´re just starting out, you have uploaded some content but you want to accelerate the process.

Keep in mind this doesn´t work for the long-term. You still need to provide great value to your audience and engage with them regularly.

But, if you´re in need for a real boost of viewership then this is a great way to get it done!

Wrapping Up

Some final thoughts about using Facebook to get more subscribers and viewers for your YouTube Channel.

You have to always keep in touch with your audience, whether is in Facebook, on the comment section of any YouTube video you make, or any other social media platform you could think of.

People want to be recognized and listen to, make them a participant of your content.

The better you can connect with them in such a way the greater the chance of success you´ll have. As simple as that.


Source: https://udigitalhustler.com/how-to-promote-your-youtube-channel-through-facebook/

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