Funny Teacher Texts Awkward Funny Tweets

When was the last time you sent a text message? One minute ago? Five minutes ago? There's a high chance that your thumbs are still tingling from the last message that you sent, as it seems as though more people communicate through their phones than they do in real life. It's not hard to understand why, though. It's so easy to simply pick up your device, tap on the keypad, and talk to those you love and cherish – because sending a text message is easy, right?

Well, sometimes. Most of us text while we're watching television, in-between meetings, or while we're on the go, which means that we sometimes don't give texting our full attention. While this can sometimes result in some hilarious typos and autocorrect mistakes, it's even worse when you message the wrong person. Yes, these kids realized that accidentally texting your parents is never fun…

You did what?!

You have to be extremely careful when texting your father. After all, dads aren't quite as comfortable with modern lingo as some people are, and this definitely works to their disadvantage when they're accidentally sent a text from their daughter. We bet this dad just about had a heart attack when he learned that his little girl had got "prego."


Thankfully, his heartbeat can go back to normal again, and the sweat can be wiped from his brow because she wasn't letting him know that he was going to be a grandfather via text message. You know, unless he wanted some prego sauce as a grandbaby. You never know what people want these days, and prego sauce really is quite delicious.

Happy engagement

Let's be honest; kids keep things from their parents. No matter how old you get, there are just some little nuggets of information that do not need to be shared with your parents, so many people keep these things to themselves. Unfortunately, this can backfire quite impressively if you don't check who you're texting before you press the send button.

While we're not quite sure why this man wouldn't tell his parents that he was married to begin with, this wrong number text brought up a whole can of worms when he sent it. Not only does the world now know that he was cheating on his wife, but his mom didn't even know that he was married and thought that he had just got engaged. Our brains hurt with this one.

Who's your daddy?

If you have ever come across a picture of someone that makes your knees weak and your palms sweaty, it's probably not a good idea to start thinking about your mom's spaghetti as well, because you might accidentally text her. You know, like this person. When they saw this picture on the front of a magazine, they knew that they needed to share their "daddy" with their friends.


They just had to share the hunkiness, but they were so distracted by those specs and those pecs that they forgot to check who they were texting beforehand. The end result must have been pretty confusing for this person's mom, who was pretty sure that this wasn't her husband. Unless he had undergone some kind of drastic plastic surgery transformation.

Ready for the holidays

The holiday period is full of festive cheer, delicious food, wonderful presents, quality family time, and in this family's case, some pretty awkward conversations. That's because accidental texts to your parents aren't all about texting the wrong person. Sometimes autocorrect can push you down a rabbit hole that you really don't want to be pushed down, and we have a feeling that Melissa felt a little uncomfortable when she finally took her boyfriend to her family's house for Christmas.


She originally meant to tell her mom that she would be taking Doug for Christmas day, and they were very much looking forward to the ham. However, her mom thought she was bringing something else, and she wasn't exactly best pleased. Autocorrect sucks, right?

Totally nuts

Life can be pretty boring sometimes, and annoying your other half is one of the best ways to keep yourself entertained. So, this person decided that they wanted to play a little game with their boyfriend. They wanted to get involved in a little word-play, where you say a word so many times that it eventually just sounds strange – and also sounds like a completely different word.


You probably don't need us to tell you why they chose "peanuts" as their word of choice. They just assumed that they were sending "peanuts" repeatedly to their boyfriend, but actually, they didn't check who they were texting. We bet that their mom thought that they were totally nuts after they received all of these messages.

A little salty

Nowadays, it seems as though everyone has a smartphone. These phones do so much more than just send messages to the ones that you love. You can scroll through social media, you can keep up to date with the latest goings-on in the world, you can watch your latest Netflix obsession, and you can even share and send photos.


However, with great technology often comes great complexity, and learning how to work your phone can often come with a lot of trial and error. Sidney didn't quite know how she sent this picture to her dad, but that's exactly what she did – and she soon had to deal with the consequences. We're not sure how any father would cope with being called this.

Caught in a trap

The only thing worse than accidentally sending a raunchy text to your mom is sending a raunchy text, thinking that you'd covered your back, and then shooting yourself in the foot once again. Yes, this accidental text to a parent really is enough to make you facepalm yourself into next year.


This daughter just wanted to thank her friend for covering her while she managed to go out and see her boyfriend, but she probably should have checked who she was texting before she added the winky face. After all, that's what made her mom suspicious to begin with. While she thought that everything was fine and dandy again after she covered her tracks, the whole thing crumbled back around her. This is just too painful to read again.

Are you serious?

You probably don't need us to tell you that the word "daddy" has numerous meanings in today's day and age. Of course, this name is taken by many fathers who have loving children, but it seems as though there are also many people out there who call their love interests "daddy" as well. This means that things can get pretty confusing, especially if you want to send your second "daddy" a little something special to put a smile on their face.


This daughter really should have checked which daddy she was sending this picture to before she sent it because we're not sure she'll ever be able to look her father in the eyes ever again. It's safe to say that he doesn't seem too happy about what he just received.

Love and respect

The slip of the hand can cause some serious awkwardness in the world of text messages and smartphones. After all, with so many tips and tricks on offer within the smartphone world, it can be easy to send photos, videos, and voice notes that you really didn't mean to send.


While Jade probably wanted to send this saucy little Oliver Twist parody to her boyfriend, she ended up sending it to her potential mother-in-law – and that's something we don't think she'll ever be able to live down. Although this woman could have made things even more awkward for Jade, she decided to bestow the young woman with some wisdom instead. Yes, everyone should be looking for love and respect, so don't forget it.

Just a roommate

Because we're so used to texting and the ease that comes with sending these messages, sometimes we don't give a second thought to what we're doing on our phones. Our muscle memory takes over for us, and we just have to assume that our muscles did us a favor and texted the right person.


This person's muscles obviously didn't get the right memo, though, as they texted their mom rather than their pretend "roommate." When you think about it, this accidental text probably did this person some good. While they may not have been able to push back their coming out as far back as they would have liked, they soon realized that they didn't have much money out to do. Their mom had known since they were five, after all.

Feeling peckish

Have you ever been in such a bad mood that anything and everything annoys you? Well, you're not alone. Sometimes you just want to be left alone and not talk to anyone, and we have a feeling that this daughter was having one of those days when her father messaged her. All he wanted was a BLT from Applebee's, but it seems as though she wasn't in the mood to be taking demands from her dad.


So, she decided to let off some steam by texting her friend – or so she thought. It turns out that she was so annoyed she didn't check who she was texting, so she decided to hit out at her peckish father instead. It may seem like a bit of an overreaction, but she may have been hangry herself…

Just can't wait

There's a high chance that you text your mom and your significant other on a regular basis, which is why it can sometimes be hard to click on the right name on your phone. It's super easy to accidentally choose the wrong person and to assume that you're messaging someone else. You know, like this person.


All they wanted was to showcase their love for their other half and let them know that they missed them and that they couldn't wait to see them. Of course, they could have passed this off as a message for their mom if they hadn't used the word "babe." We don't know many children out there who would call their mom that. To each their own, we guess, though.

Not my type

Texting gives us all the chance to say what we really feel, and there are some people out there who like to get a bit saucier with their messages. No, they don't just smother their phone in mustard; they simply let slip all of the things they'd like to say to their romantic partner. Most of the time, these messages are the ones that you try and keep away from your parents – especially your mom.


However, this son or daughter didn't get that luxury. Because they accidentally sent this message to their mother, they had to deal with the wrath of her knowing what they get up to and what they like to do in their spare time. So, she wanted to let her child down gently and let them know that they needed a serious talk.

An empty house

When you were younger, the idea of having an empty house was one that probably filled you with joy. With your parents out of town, you could throw a huge party for all of your friends – and the hundreds of other people that just happened to turn up – and spend some quality time with your crush. That's exactly why this woman decided to send a message supposedly to her ex when she realized that she would have the house to herself.


She hoped that they could get up close and personal and rekindle their old romance, but she soon had to change those plans to watching movies on the big screen and cooking for all of them when she realized that she had sent the message to a whole group chat. Eugh, that's enough to make you cringe.

Ultimate fail

If you were to send your parents an inappropriate text that was meant for the person you had a crush on, how do you think they would react? Well, we don't think anyone would react as impressively as this father – and this person's mommy.


While there's no doubt about the fact that this really was the ultimate fail, this person certainly has some cool parents who weren't too fussed about the fact that their child was supposed to send this message to their other half. In fact, they wanted to get involved in the convo a little bit as well. It's always good when you can have honest and frank conversations with your parents, but there's no doubt about the fact that it's not for everyone.

A street-savvy Mama Bear

What's pretty funny about this world is that trends on social media come and go quicker than we can say "Donut burger." It seems as though kids are getting involved in trends every single day, and there was once a trend where people would send text messages to their mom, hinting that they wanted some illicit substances from them.


Of course, the whole thing was a joke – but their moms didn't know that. We don't blame this mom for getting a bit hot-headed about the whole situation and calling her son out for trying to buy these illegal items. While she didn't want her son getting involved in that kind of stuff, she also didn't want her son to be overpaying for this stuff, either. What a street-savvy Mama Bear.

An early morning text

There are many people in this world who get the urge to text people in the middle of the night or even in the early hours of the morning. After all, some people are early risers, or some people just like to stay up until the birds start chirping. We can't blame them for that, right? Well, there has to be a little bit of blame when a night owl texts an early riser – because that's enough to mess up any sleep pattern.


This mom obviously didn't appreciate it when her daughter decided to text her at 2am, especially as the message wasn't really of any importance. Because of this, mom opted to send back her own message, letting her daughter know that she wasn't here to play games.

What a save

If you're concerned about sending the wrong message to the wrong person, all you have to do is spread out your messages. Yes, don't send all of this risky business in one singular text. Instead, split them up to make sure that if you do send it to the wrong person, you can save it from turning into a catastrophe. Don't believe us? Check out this text exchange.


While this person accidentally sent a message to their mom that was most definitely not meant to be read by any kind of parent, they hadn't sent enough to make themselves guilty of anything. For all their mom knew, they were just bestowing a hilarious joke on them to brighten up their day. Kids are nice like that, you know.

How could you?

Let's be honest; there's nothing worse than finding out that your other half cheated on you. As if it wasn't bad enough, this woman learned that Jim had cheated on her via text – and she wasn't too happy about it. She decided to confront Jim herself and ask him why he would do such a thing to her, but she didn't check who she was texting before she sent this message.


Before she knew it, her dad knew everything, and he wasn't going to let Jim get away with hurting his not-so-little-girl. While he immediately seemed pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, his next question soon proved that he was pretty angry with Jim. We all know that cheaters never prosper, after all.

Cheerio for now!

Everyone loves Cheerios, right? They're a delicious cereal that has never done anything wrong to anybody, so we don't quite know why one couple would use this word as a euphemism for when they get up close and personal. To each their own, though, we guess. In this instance, using a code word probably helped this accidental texter out.


While their mom was probably a little confused as to why their child was asking them to prepare a bowl of fine Cheerios, we bet things would have been even more awkward if they had used the real word. In fact, if we had done that, we don't think we'd ever be able to speak to our moms again. That would be the relationship over.

Tonight's the night

We don't think that accidentally texting your parents will never not be awkward, but it's safe to say that the most awkward incident of all is when you text your dad with information that was supposed to go to your romantic partner. That's because dads are protective, and they wish that you could stay little and single forever so that they don't have to lose you.


However, every bird needs to fly the nest – and this dad seems to have realized that for himself. That doesn't mean that he's happy about it, though. When this kid texted their friend, noting that "tonight is the night" for her and her boyfriend, their father wasn't too impressed to receive the text himself. He could put two and two together, and he got an answer he didn't like.

A pet name

Everyone has two texting voices, right? They have the metaphorical voice that they use when texting their parents and any other family member, and then they have the metaphorical voice they use when texting their friends or their siblings. These voices are extremely different, and most people try to keep them separate at all times.


Unfortunately, this person got things a little confused, and their voices got confused in the process. While they thought that they were texting their friend and using their hilarious pet name, they actually just insulted their mother instead. Although they apologized for their actions, we don't think this mama bear would have been too happy about that name-calling. Not even the laughing emojis could heal that wound.

Love you no matter what

Don't you just hate it when you send a message without finishing it? With so many buttons on your phone within easy reach, it's not uncommon for people to send half-finished messages that can mean something completely different. You know, like telling your mom that you're "coming out." Of course, as someone who had always questioned their son's romantic feelings, this mom wasn't too surprised.


She and her husband had always wondered whether that was the case, and they wanted their son to know that they loved him no matter what. Yet, things got pretty uncomfortable when Michael let them know that he hadn't sent the whole text to them. We'd love to see how the rest of this conversation played out.

A cute nickname

Most people have little nicknames for the people in their lives. Whether they're loving or playful, those nicknames are normally just given to one person and one person only. Yet, things can get pretty confusing when you send the wrong text to the wrong person with that nickname in tow – and this dad even found himself feeling incredibly insulting.


Although "Hun" is a nickname that many people utilize, it seems as though the older generation and those who aren't quite as familiar with this name would Google it when faced with such a word. Google isn't always the best source of information, though, as we're pretty sure that most people who use the word "Hun" aren't using it as a contemptuous slang word.

A smile, of course

Most kids assume that their parents aren't cool in the slightest, and they believe that their parents are so removed from the modern world that they don't have any idea about the meaning of emojis. While this may be the case for some parents, it's safe to say that there are many other 'rents out there who are, as the kids say, 'woke.'


Just like this dad, for example. When he received an accidental text from his daughter, he was astounded to see the saucy nature of the message. Although he couldn't believe that this little Ashley was growing out, he also couldn't wait to show her that two can play at that game. She tried to outsmart him, so he decided to outsmart her back. Yes, she's not grounded…

I'm sorry

It's always good to have a few little excuses under your sleeve just in case you do ever accidentally text your parents. It can happen, you know, and you want to be prepared for any eventuality. We have a feeling that this kid was pretty traumatized when they sent this message to their father rather than their love interest, and we bet they were racking their brains and trying to figure out a way that they could excuse their language.


In the end, they opted to simply feign ignorance. After all, they didn't send that message at all. They didn't even type it out on their phone. They were simply sent it by a number they didn't know, so they forwarded it to their father. Yes, that's what happened.

Getting the goss

One child's displeasure is another parent's gain. That's certainly what this mom discovered, anyway. While they weren't too happy to learn that their daughter and her friends had snuck out of the house to go to a party, she soon realized that she could actually use her daughter's accidental text to her advantage – as long as she could extract the right information before her child caught on.


She decided to get all of the gossips and work out how her daughter had snuck out to ensure that it never happened again. This was actually pretty sneaky, and we have to give this mom a round of applause for acting so well. We'll give a simple bow of the head to the daughter, who will probably never be allowed out again.

You will live

If you've ever been angry with one of your parents, there's a high chance that you have later wished to blow off some steam and showcase just how annoyed you are to your friends. After all, sharing is caring, right? Well, it seems as though Loren had her dad on the brain so much when they had an argument that she accidentally clicked on his name when she went to insult him.


Luckily, it seems as though he wasn't too upset that she had called him a nasty word. He decided to let her know that he was sorry and that he was sure her life would continue as normal without too much of an interference from his parenting ways. It's so tough having someone to look out for you, isn't it?

My innocent child

When you learn that your child has a migraine, you send them off to bed and hope that they can sleep it off. After all, that's what parents are for. They're there to look after you when you need them, but they don't take too kindly to these kids then sneaking around and being flirty with their other halves. You know, like this awkward and parent exchange.


This child was supposedly upstairs with a migraine when they started sending their parent messages that weren't meant for their eyes. While they stated that it was just for humorous purposes, it's going to take a lot more than that to win over a parent who has been scorned. That kinda stuff cuts you deep.

I love you baby

It's always nice to know that your daughter is dating someone they love and someone who loves them back – but it's fair to say that most dads would like some kind of separation between this love and their lives. Sure, they want their kids to be happy, but they also don't want to know all of the mushy stuff they say to each other on a regular basis.


This dad had that choice taken away from him when his daughter accidentally text him, though. She just wanted to express her love to her boyfriend, but instead, she decided to let her dad know that she loved him even more. Yes, we really don't blame her for being embarrassed. We're embarrassed for her, and we don't even know who she is.

An innocent mom

Parents like to remain innocent when it comes to their children and their romantic lives. In their eyes, their kids are going to remain as babies forever, and they will never have any kind of physical relationship with another person. That's just not on the cards, right?


Well, while most parents try to convince themselves of this, they ultimately have to realize that their kids are going to grow up and find romantic partners – but that doesn't mean that they have to know every single detail of their relationship. This mom decided to stay innocent when their child sent these messages to them. All they wanted to focus on was their bad back, and whether there was anything they could do to help.

Too much information

One of the best things about being in a couple is that you can text them all day, every day, and your smartphone allows you to be with them even when you're not physically in the room. When this partner sent their other half a picture of themselves before they headed out on their date night, this mom's child couldn't help but state how impressive they looked.


Of course, those weren't the exact words, but you probably wouldn't want us to tell you what they actually said. This mom quickly realized that these messages weren't for her, and the whole thing escalated into a very uncomfortable exchange. Hopefully, this mom won't be too scarred after these events. Hopefully, she was able to remove this exchange from her memory.

Wrong recipient

When sending a risky text that could potentially expose a side of you that very few people see, it's important to not only check who you're messaging, but it's also important to double and triple check. The last thing you want is to send an awkward text to your parents and have to explain why you're telling them to make your way to their house without any clothes on and with a hungry appetite.


That's just strange, right? Well, it turns out that this text wasn't actually meant for this person's mom, but was instead meant for their other half instead. Let's just hope that this mom really can delete this from her brain. At least her child thought it was funny.

Checking it twice

Sometimes sending the wrong message isn't just about the words that you say and the letters that you type. Sometimes it's also about the pictures that you send. Most people should know by now that their parents are going to examine every single inch of a photo that you send their way, which means that you need to check every photo twice.


You need to zoom in on every corner and every nook and cranny, and you need to ensure that you're not going to give anything away. Don't be like this person. Sure, this seems like a perfectly nice photograph of this mom's child snuggled up in bed, but she didn't check the background before she sent it to her mom. That's just giving away too many secrets.

Reading it aloud

The only thing worse than accidentally sending a text message to your dad is sending a text message to your dad while they're in a business meeting. Because of this awkwardness of the situation, you can almost guarantee that they're going to read this text aloud for all of their colleagues to hear – and nobody wants that.


Unfortunately, it seems as though this guy didn't check who he was texting before he let his dad know that his "milkshake brings all the girls to the yard." Although he was expecting his friend to receive such a message, the reality of the situation meant that he will now be roasted by his dad's colleagues for the rest of his days. We hope he enjoys that. He brought it upon himself, really.

Good morning

The internet is a wonderful place, and there's no doubt about the fact that it's perfect for everyone who has their own little quirks. Do you love watching live streams of baby ducks being born? There's a website for that. Do you want to keep up with the latest fashion? There are multiple websites for that. Do you want to learn more about adult babies?


You can definitely find some websites out there. Of course, most people look at these kinds of things privately on their phone, but this person forgot that they had copied the link when they were trying to send their dad something. In the end, they sent their father down the rabbit hole of adult babies. We wonder whether he enjoyed it?

Climbing trees

Thankfully, we live in a world where we have a variety of different words that all have various different meanings. This can seriously help out kids when they accidentally send messages to their parents that were definitely not meant for their eyes. You know, like this kid. While he thought that he was texting his friend and letting him know that he was a little out of sorts, he soon discovered that he was actually texting his mom.


He had to rectify his mistake by showcasing a different meaning to the word that he used, and we have to say that he actually did a pretty good job of it. It seems as though his mom believed him, which is all he ever wanted. What a relief.

Helping her out

Most of the time, accidentally texting your parents normally results in a serious awkward conversation, the breakdown of relationships, or even a month of being grounded. However, that isn't always the case. When this young woman accidentally messaged her mom, stating that she was going to beat her up on Monday, her mom was obviously a little confused.


She didn't know why her daughter would do something to a friend who had been so nice to her, and she couldn't believe that her daughter would be so cruel. That was until she learned what Maddie had done, though. When she realized that Maddie was giving as good as she got, this mom decided to get involved and get on her daughter's side.

A musical momma

Have you ever been one of those people who send lyrics to their friends? Well, you're not alone. There's something about these lyrics that gets something going between your pals, and it normally results in you all coming together and singing through text messages. It's pretty awesome – if you text the right people, that is.


While this son didn't mean to send these rather niche and inappropriate lyrics to his momma, he didn't quite get the reaction he was expecting. He assumed that his mom would tell him off for using such language, and question the lyrics as a whole. Instead, she decided to finish off the line and keep the flow moving. She seems like the coolest musical momma out there.

Cuddles with your mom

When you were younger, you probably loved cuddles with your momma. They were the perfect remedy when you scraped your knee as you fell off your bike, as you watched movies in your down-time, and when you just wanted a little bit of attention.


Of course, it's safe to say that most people grow out of this as they get older – but we bet for one minute, this mom thought that her daughter really did want cuddles with her momma. She soon realized that this wasn't the case at all and that her innocent daughter had a little relationship she hadn't been talking to her about. We bet all of her secrets had to come clean once she sent this text.

Calling him out

Everyone has their own way of communicating with the person that they love, and for this guy, he obviously loves to start his day by asking his girlfriend to twerk for him. While this isn't the good morning message that most women would like if it works for them, then so be it. It seems as though his mom wasn't too impressed when she got this message instead of his girlfriend, though.


While she appreciated the message from her "handsome son," she wanted him to know that she couldn't twerk just yet. You have to properly stretch before doing it, after all. She also wanted to call him out on what he was asking this woman to do. Did she really want to twerk, or did her boyfriend want her to twerk? That's the million-dollar question.

The less I know

Hands up if your dad would be seriously worried if you sent him a message stating that you want to "punch her in the eye with a rusty fork?" Well, there's a high chance that many dads out there would instantly get involved and try to stop their daughter from committing a crime. This dad is a little different, though.


He could understand why his daughter wanted to do such a thing, so he wanted to help her out and give her a few pieces of advice. After all, the golden rule of committing a crime is that you need to break any link between you and any potential weapon. While this dad did want to help his daughter succeed, he also realized that the less he knew, the less he could say if he were ever interrogated.

Let's not talk about this

Sending pictures via text message is always risky, especially if they're pictures that involve very little clothing. For most people, the worst-case scenario would be that they accidentally send this picture to their parents rather than the intended recipient – and that's exactly what happened to this guy.


Although he wanted to send this picture to his crush, he ultimately ended up sending this compromising photo to his own mother, and we can't even imagine the embarrassment. Although this mom wanted to ask all kinds of questions and know a little more about why her son was sending such photos, he made it clear that he never wanted them to speak about it again. He just wanted her to forget about it all.

Dad, not daddy

Although smartphones have come on leaps and bounds over the years, it's fair to say that things can still go a little haywire – especially if you're working with a touchscreen. Sometimes, you may feel as though you've tapped the button to click onto the text chain with your other half, but in reality, the tap feature just didn't work.


So, the person texting was still on the text chain with their father, and they decided to send out a pretty strange request into the mix. We don't think any father would want to be videos worshipping their child's feet, and we're not sure any child would want that either. Thankfully, this dad quickly realized that this text wasn't for them, and reminded their child that they were their dad and not their daddy.

Autocorrect fails

Ah, autocorrect. You just can't trust it, right? Even the most common and most popular words in the world can fall victim to autocorrect, and this normally happens in the most awkward of situations. You know, like when you want your dad to let them know when they're here, but autocorrect changes "here" to something much more inappropriate for a father and daughter conversation.


This woman quickly realized her mistake, but we can't help but wonder what her father had to say about this. Perhaps the rest of the conversation wasn't that great, which is why she decided that she wasn't going to share the entirety of it. Yes, we can only assume that some stern words were exchanged between these two. It's kinda funny, though.


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